Sunday, April 5, 2009

You made the time change

So pay me for my effort, you inconsiderate worthless excuses for human beings.

I write this as I sit here watching systems fail due to various reasons that all stem from the Victorian government changing the demarcation points for daylight saving changes, again.

Here's a brilliant set of ideas:

  • The orbit of the earth isn't changing. Pick a set of dates and stick to it. Let me actually have a life and get some sleep.
  • Accept that daylight saving has no impact whatsoever on power consumption. People will find ways of doing whatever it is they do regardless of the outdoor conditions. Thanks to the state of the economy everywhere, staying inside at home is more attractive than ever.
  • Daylight saving is a stupid idea. If you are so incredibly stupid that you think that a government specified time offset change will make a major impact on your life, society's workings or the "useful" hours available to each person, please move far away from here.
Every time some set of idiots decides to yet again change the dates where the UTC offset changes, IT professionals everywhere have to put in wasted effort. Thanks to tonight's events, I'll spend part of my Sunday writing up incident reports.

Thanks to the Victorian government - you should be forced to compensate me and everyone else who does what I do. You're pathetic and have no business running a small kindergarten, let alone a state. Be ashamed - it's the only appropriate action.

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