Friday, May 7, 2010

NBN - get a clue

I live in Australia. The current Labour government is very limited in their outlook on certain issues.

There is much talk of filtering the web and building out fibre. For fuck's sake - get a clue.

Regarding filtering, anyone with 3 braincells and/or a slight want for dissent can easily circumvent any measure you're proposing to put in place. As most of your constituency are bogans, they'll engage in circumvention not for any reason that serves their own purposes, but because their mate Robbo told them about such possibilities at the pub whilst flooding his gullet with Vaginal Backwash.

There is no mention of IPv6, no mention of resiliency and no statement of application.

What will the average Australian moron do with a 100Mb/s link to the rest of the world? Read poorly composed e-mail from his mate Johnno? Watch the latest YouTube viral in 1080p resolution? Upload pornography featuring his girlfriend/wife to some amateur site or transmit the same to that brilliant bloke ORSM?

The vast majority of Australia's population has no idea how their IP feed is provided. Most of them still refer to such connectivity as "my internet" because they're ignorant of the world they live in and are more comfortable with cars, darts and getting into fights at the local pub that considers Victoria Bitter, Carlton Draft and Toohey's New to be a diverse beer selection and get quite agitated if someone dares remove Today Tonight or A Current Affair from the ludicrously large screen whilst they're engaging in drunken escapism between their drudgery of employment and their unhappy de-facto+spawn home life.

Idiot bogans make up a worrying proportion of our populace. The outcome of my ramblings can be summarised thusly:

  • The bogan wants faster. Not because they want or need it, simply because it is available.
  • The bogan demands lower prices. It does not matter if their provider of choice is making $1.00 of profit per month, they want a lower price.
  • The bogan insists that it is being ripped off and that all decisions of their chosen service provider are designed to disadvantage said bogan. A change to any terms or conditions attached to the bogan's service are clearly a personal attack on the bogan.
It clearly follows that all home IP services in my fair country are designed to snare and placate the bogan. Thus, bogans are the problem.

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